
Fun Ideas during School Break Activities

Isn’t it so relieving when you have to spend time with your kids under low or no budget? Spend the few days or weeks of your leave to bond and

  • PublishedOctober 29, 2018

Isn’t it so relieving when you have to spend time with your kids under low or no budget? Spend the few days or weeks of your leave to bond and relax with your family before resuming to your daily hustle. Also, take advantage of this moment to make memories and have fun.

Here are fun and cheap ways to consider when school breaks before Christmas holiday;

Involve kids in a cooking competition at home

Have kids compete in preparing foods that do not require direct flame or sharp knives. You can also invite their friends or cousins to make it so competitive and award winners with coins for their piggy bank. The positive side of this is, no one will have to prepare lunch, so it is a win for both the kids and the parents.

Visit the local museum or national park

This is one of the cheapest ways to have fun in terms of relaxing and involving kids in some learning. Get your child away from their phones and TV for a nice day in the wild or the museum. For your visit, pack home-made food instead of spending some extra coins on junk food.

Have swimming competitions

On the weekends, visit a local hotel with a swimming pool. Make the day out of it by involving the whole family to compete. This is a good way to prove who is the best swimmer and bond with your kids by spending adequate time with them.

Play sing along and imitations

Sing along and imitations are convenient and fun indoor activities. Set up your living room as a comedy show. Have everyone involved by performing and even laugh to the less funny jokes or imitations. Make it as a contest and the winner gets a prize or treats. Make it as fun as possible for the kids to always look up to the holidays.

Go for bike rides

Consider bike rides as a whole family. Go for rides around your home area or at a local park. Make this the perfect time to bond and exercise.

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