
What is Dyslexia?

  • PublishedJuly 16, 2019

It has been mistaken for a visual problem, and people with this condition have been falsely thought to be less intelligent. But really, what is dyslexia? Dyslexia can be referred to as a learning disability both in children and adults. It occurs when the bran in unable to tell graphics apart. It is a long term condition.  While children do not outgrow this condition, there are teaching approaches and strategies that can be implemented to help them. Having dyslexia does not affect the level of intelligence of a person. Most people with this condition are smart.

Signs and Symptoms of Dyslexia

The signs may vary from person to person. These are the signs of symptoms that may be apparent in every stage of the child’s academic life.


The child usually has trouble recognizing letters and matching them to sound.

Trouble recognizing whether the two words rhyme.

The child struggles with learning new words and may take away the beginning sound from a word.

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Grade School

The child does not recognize common sight words.

The child quickly forgets how to spell words after studying them.

The child has difficulty in blending several sounds to make a word.

Rereads sentences and passages.

The child makes many spelling errors.

The low academic level of reading.

The child may shy from activities that require reading

High school

The child does not read at the expected grade level.

The child prefers multiple choice questions over short answers.

Skips over small words when reading aloud.

Most of the signs and symptoms are linked with learning, but it also impacts the day to day skills and activities.



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