What to expect with the 'new normal'

Following the recent comments from president Uhuru, it is clear that the lockdown is soon ending. With many countries lifting their lockdowns, stay at home orders are also starting to lift. Economies are resuming routine and so are people. But, are we really ready to embark on the new-normal? Are we ready to cope with any new circumstances Covid may have brought our way? Are we anxious on how to deal with new possibilities in our daily routine lives?
The fear is still within
In as much as we are all happy that finally, we get to see family and friends and socialize, there is still some fear lingering within us. This is because, deep down, we are aware that the virus is still out there and that anyone can contract it. The fact that no country has been able to resume 100% normalcy amidst this pandemic is worrying. After the lift, therefore, we expect to go back to normal, taking into consideration recommended safety precautions. This will help us adjust to the new life of going to school with masks and maintaining social distancing even in our daily commutes.
Emotional exhaustion
Unfortunately, this will hang on for a little bit longer, which is completely normal. The post pandemic emotional exhaustion will bring about cases of depression, anxiety and irritability. This is because, for a considerable amount of time, say three months, we were enclosed within our homes. Having to come out again and dealing with other people may bring about emotional exhaustion. Shaking down lock-down induced exhaustion will not be easy as we try adjusting into the standard routine. Exercising a little patience and understanding will do here.
Worried about being around people again
We cannot judge those who will find it hard to interact with people again after the lock- down is lifted. This is because, curfew and social distancing rules have resulted in people staying within their comfort zones. Going back to a stressful life of commuting and talking to people at work is not the ideal life to most people. Some may also be returning to places of work where a they lost a co-worker due to Covid. This is surely not going to be easy. A positive attitude and gratitude for good health should help.
What is the best way to handle the post- pandemic induced stress?
As we resume our workplaces, the best way to deal with the stress is to accept that the virus is still there, but we have made a choice to exist and thrive. Attempting to minimize anxiety about the transition will make it harder. The goal here is not to pretend that the pandemic still exists.
People with social- anxiety can try talking to strangers, their bosses or simply doing things that make them uncomfortable. This will at least help them shed off their skin and get used to being around people.
As we get back to the social life, let us just be grateful for existence. This pandemic has shown us that as humanity, we too, struggle with challenges, which is still okay.
DON’T MISS: Adopt these habits to manage stress during COVID 19