6 life skills you need to teach your kids

Experts say children are more likely to pick up a habit if it is inculcated in them while they are young. This includes life skills which will not only be essential for them as they grow up but will also make social interactions easier. That said, there’s no better time than when they are at home!
Cleaning up after themselves
Ensure that your kids know that even though there might be domestic help, it is important for them to learn to clean up after themselves. Depending on how old they are, start teaching them small tasks and give them more responsibility as they grow up.
For preschoolers, have a box where they should put their toys after use and take their dirty dishes to the kitchen.
For ages 5-7, have a sponge at the sink to clean up after brushing their teeth, a laundry basket where the dirty clothes should be and making their bed which you or an older sibling can help with.
When it comes to ages 8-10, simple chores can be assigned such as clearing the table after a meal.
For 11+, you can assign more chores such as cleaning their rooms and as they grow older, give them more age-appropriate chores. This could also mean helping out a younger sibling with cleaning up as a way to ensure the lessons are passed down.
Additionally, this inculcates in them proper hygiene practices as they grow up.
Emergency response
There are several unprecedented situations that can happen and parents have to ensure that kids know how to respond. It could be having them learn important phone numbers, how to keep themselves safe when in danger or even how to react when something overwhelms them . For instance, teaching them first aid for certain instances could help them save themselves or others.
Cooking is very essential for everyone, regardless of gender. Teach both your sons and daughters how to be handy in the kitchen and know how to prepare several meals that are also nutritious. The best way to do this is to make sure that you let them help out in the kitchen as you upgrade to allowing them to do things on their own. You can also start off with easy dishes like eggs. This need you to be a patient teacher as messes are bound to happen.
Personal responsibility
Children need to be taught about taking personal responsibility for things such as their ensuring assignments are completed, time management which includes time for chores and friends. This skill ensures that they are always aware of their responsibilities to others and to themselves.
Money management
This can be taught to children with age-specific examples. For instance, you can teach them about saving by opening a savings account for them. As they grow older you can also give them small allowances for accomplishing their goals such as reading a book a month.
Good manners will never go out of style and they are best taught to children sooner rather than later. This includes simple things such a saying thank-you, please and sorry when they have made a mistake. It also encompasses lessons on table manners and how to relate with others.