

  • PublishedNovember 13, 2023

The school year has ended, and children will be at home until the new school calendar is released. Here are some inventive and imaginative methods to keep children occupied during this time.

Hold a Cooking Competition

Put the apron down and send the kids to the kitchen. Encourage them to prepare any meal of their choosing, and award the winner with money, a trip, or even gifts. This will enable them to become inventive and competitive enough to desire the prize. While it may not be the best meal you’ve ever had, it is an interesting way to make sure that you keep things fun around the house.

Host a Game Night

It is important to have family time, and game nights are an excellent way to bond with one another. Bring out that chess board, that deck of cards, or even that game of monopoly. Depending on what the family enjoys to do, a lot of fun can be had with these games, and it will allow you to know one another better and be that much closer.

Put on Movie Marathons

As this is the Christmas period, there are so many movies that are centered around this theme. They are family-friendly and rated appropriately. You can also go for a movie that you’ve seen before—a movie that always makes everyone laugh and have a good time.

Art and Craft Projects

If your children are in lower primary and lower, this may be perfect for them! With crayons, canvas, sketchbooks, and paint, a lot of art and craft can be done. Encourage them to be imaginative and create pieces from the heart, such as accessorized bags, cutouts of their favourite animals, paper aeroplanes, and even origami.

Hold Karaoke

When it’s a lazy afternoon to kick it and lazy around the house, bring out the karaoke machine and hold a mini concert. If you don’t have one, you can still hold karaoke with no stress. You can use your smat phone to download any karaoke app and enjoy it.

Throw a Slumber Party

Your children and friends can dress up and be hosted by any parent of the youngsters in this group. You can cook them snacks and put down mattresses and sleeping bags for them to sleep in, whether it’s your house or the next.

Play Dress Up as You Declutter

This works best if you have children from the ages of six to eleven. Allow your children to go up to their rooms and pick out the clothes that do not fit them anymore and put them on. They can show them to you, and you will all chuckle and remember how small they were when these clothes fit perfectly.

 Involve Them in Chores

Allow your children to be involved in chores that you have put off for a while, such as cleaning windows. Give them sponges and wash cloths, and buckets of soapy water and watch them work some magic for you. Delegate these chores to allow you to be done in time for lunch. Some can dust the house, some go after those cobwebs you have neglected for a while and take the rest of the crew outside to help with the windows.

Written By
Mitchelle Kabucho

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