Woman arrested for refusing to take children to school

A middle-aged woman from Taita was apprehended for allegedly refusing to take her children to school due to religious beliefs. According to police reports the woman claims that Jesus spoke to her in a dream telling her not to take her children to school.
Woman arrested.(Source, nairobileo.co.ke)
“She told us that taking children to school is evil and against the will of God and her doctrines. Her husband who works in Mombasa also subscribes to this belief,” said Kombe, Taita Sub-County Police Commander.
Kombe said the woman will be charged with violating the children’s right to education. Meanwhile, the children will be placed under the care of children’s department.
The woman’s belief has led her children, who are in standard five, three and one to believe that school is bad and that they should not go. The Ministry of Education is urging parents to take their kids to school.
Feature image: police van. (Source, wpengine.netdna-ssl.com)