
Are you getting enough calcium?

  • PublishedApril 2, 2014

While dairy products are the richest source of calcium, there are plenty of other foods you can eat to ensure healthy bones. Read on to find out more.

Some people switch from cow’s milk to soya or other grain milks due to a number of reasons, such as an intolerance or allergy, or wanting to cut down on saturated fat intake. If you don’t take enough dairy products such as milk, cheese and yoghurt, you may be worried you are not getting the all-important bone-protecting mineral – calcium, and with good reason. If you are deficient in calcium, you are more likely to suffer from brittle bone disease, which causes bone fractures. You could also have osteoporosis. Women are more likely to suffer from these conditions because they quickly lose this important mineral during menstruation, and also after menopause.… Subscribe to read more

Published on April 2014

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