
Amina Mohammed replaces Rashid Echesa as Sports CS

  • PublishedMarch 1, 2019

In the latest cabinet reshuffle, Education Cabinet Secretary Amina Mohammed has replaced Rashid Echesa to take up the sports docket.

Meanwhile, Kenya National Education Commission (KNEC) Chairman, George Magoha, has been nominated as the Education CS in place of Amina Mohammed.

Part of the presidential directive as published on Citizentv  read  “…committed to enhancing efficiency, transparency, and accountability at all levels of Government through a governance structure and leadership that ensures rapid delivery of public services to Kenyans in every part of the Republic.”

The firing of Echesa comes amidst talks by MPs allied to Raila Odinga to start the impeaching process for the CS. The legislators wanted Echesa sacked for attacking Odinga.

Kenyans have taken to twitter to express their different opinions over the reshuffle.

Thank you MR PRESIDENT @UKenyatta can’t thank you enough for appointing George Magoha to be the CS of EDUCATION..
Our EDUCATION standards are bound to IMPROVE..
I still haven’t figured out what Amina Mohammed will do at sports but it’s okay..#CabinetReshuffle

— Wanjiku Mugane (@wanjikumugane) March 1, 2019

Congratulations Prof. George Magoha for your appointment as Education CS. At least the Education docket gets a Matiang’i version 2.#CabinetReshuffle

— Alex Menjo (@AlexMenjoh) March 1, 2019

Amina Mohamed has been named the new Sports CS replacing Rashid Echesa who replaced Hassan Wario. Dear President @UKenyatta, Just spit balling here but maybe you could try and appoint a Sports CS who actually has a background in Sports and see how that works? #CabinetReshuffle

— Mukami Wambora (@MukamiWambora) March 1, 2019

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