
Beat the Monday Blues

  • PublishedSeptember 16, 2017

Monday mornings are often marked with sluggishness, fatigue and lack of motivation to work, which may lead to low productivity. Whereas beating the Monday blues can be a daunting task, you can do it with these tips.

Be well rested.

Get as much sleep and rest over the weekend to re-energise you for a new week. However, this does not mean sleeping throughout the weekend. A full night of sleep on Sunday should be enough rest. Go to bed early and wake up at least half an hour earlier than you normally do. This will allow you to have a little bit of cushion time to get ready without having to rush through your morning schedule.

Prepare the night before.

One of the best ways to be productive on Monday is to prepare for it. Use your Sunday night to make a schedule or a to-do list for all the tasks you intend to accomplish on Monday. You could take a look at your work email to help you project what to expect the following day. When scheduling your activities for Monday, prioritise simple tasks as accomplishing them and ticking them off your list will motivate you.

Never skip your exercise routine.

If there is a day to not miss your regular work out, then it should be Mondays. A 20-minute work out before your day begins can boost your strength as well as stimulate various brain chemicals that leave you feeling happier, more relaxed and in a much better mood. Therefore, fight off the Monday morning lethargic feeling with a work out and get to enjoy a very productive day.

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