Common allergy causing foods in children
Food allergies are quite common in children and until you can find out exactly which ones your child is allergic to, you and your child will be in for a rough ride. The following are the most common foods that cause allergies in children and you should introduce them slowly and give your child time to see how he reacts.
Milk. Milk allergy is the most common infant allergy and while many children outgrow it, some don’t. The allergy is triggered when your baby’s immune system overreacts to proteins in the milk. The symptoms could show immediately, after a few hours or even days later. Symptoms include wheezing; itchy, watery, or swollen eyes; vomiting; swelling and diarrhoea.
Eggs. Eggs are used as a base for many delicacies, which means it’s difficult to avoid. In infants, the allergies often are as a result of underdeveloped immune system that finds it difficult to deal with the amount of proteins in the eggs. The immune system, which serves to protect against germs and other problems, uses antibodies to fight the proteins, believing it’s a harmful invader. Just like milk, the allergy could manifest immediately or hours later. Symptoms include a runny nose, eczema, swelling, nausea and rapid heartbeat.
Nuts. In addition to nuts being a common cause of allergies, they can also be among the most dangerous because the body’s allergic reaction can be fatal. Like in many other allergic foods, the body produces antibodies designed to fight against nuts, assuming they are harmful to the body. In addition to coughing, wheezing, congestion, stomachache, vomiting, itching and hives, nuts can also lead to anaphylaxis, a severe hypersensitive reaction where the body releases histamine leading to swelling of the oesophagus and other mucous membranes. This may lead to loss of consciousness and even death.