
Delicious Healthy Cheat Meal

  • PublishedJanuary 19, 2018

We know you are still struggling with your reduce body fat, lose weight, develop a healthy lifestyle resolutions and that’s alright. We are here to help you by bringing this Sweet chicken recipe to your attention. A meal that is delicious and fits into your cheat day meals perfectly.



1/2 chicken
5 tablespoons cooking oil
ginger&garlic paste
4 tablespoons white vinegar
4 tablespoons light soy sauce
2 tablespoons honey
2 tablespoons tomato sauce
1 large white onion/red can do
black pepper.


– marinate the chicken pieces with salt, black pepper, 2 tablespoons of vinegar, half the ginger&garlic paste. Let it sit for about 30 minutes.
– in a pan heat the oil in medium high heat then add the chicken pieces skin side down. Let them cook untouched for about 3 minutes.
– once the chicken is well browned, reduce the heat and let the chicken continue cooking in the pan. Turn every 2 minutes. Cook until the chicken is not pink.
– Take it out of the pan in to a plate/bowl.
– in the same pan add the other half of the ginger&garlic paste and fry(with the oil left in the pan) for about 15 seconds.
– Add in your finely chopped onion(s) and cook stirring.
– Sweat the onions(don’t cook them till golden brown) for a minute or two .
– add in the remaining 2 tablespoons of vinegar to help the onions remain crunchy and cook for 30 seconds.
– add the soy sauce and the honey and cook stirring until the sauce thickens.
– add the tomato sauce and cook for another minute. Taste and adjust the seasoning.
– Finally lower the heat, add in the chicken pieces,cover with the sauce and let this cook for a minute.
– Serve.

Serve you sweet chicken with you choice of vegetables and some rice. So there, with this recipe go forth and conquer your body goals!

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