
Former Beauty Queen Cecilia Mwangi and Giant Group open two classrooms in Kilifi

  • PublishedFebruary 26, 2019

Kimbule Primary School in Kilifi county has benefitted from two classrooms donated by former Miss World Kenya, Cecilia Mwangi.

Under her Cecilia Mwangi foundation, the beauty queen received a one million shilling donation from Giant Group  which was used to build the two classrooms, as well as 250 lecture chairs for the school.

“We are glad to be part of this upgrading process. As Cecilia Mwangi foundation, we are out to empower young Kenyans who are talented in various ways. We are happy to make a difference through our donation,” said the beauty queen last month as she presented the cheque to the school’s headmistress, Irene Sidi.

Cecilia a mother of one is best identified for her role in Ahadi Trust nationwide anti – jigger campaign. She is also a Strategic Management masters student at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology.

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