
Here is what science says about having children after 35 years

  • PublishedOctober 3, 2018

No pregnant woman wants to hear the words “high-risk pregnancy,” and yet if you’re over 35, Gynecologists say that you are, just by nature of your age. But is being of “advanced maternal age” (doesn’t that make you feel good?) really that risky anymore?

This is an important question since thanks to economic and social factors a lot more women are falling into this category. According to a new report, nearly every state has seen a rise in women having their first child after age 35. The average age of a first pregnancy has risen, as has the number of mothers having subsequent babies after 35. The report also found that older moms are more likely to be educated, make more money, and have better resources than their younger counterparts.

There are some risks to older moms, the most significant being infertility. Fertility in women starts to decrease at age 32. At age 35 you have a 52-per cent chance of becoming pregnant unaided. By age 40 that drops to 36 per cent, and by age 45 you’re down to 5 per cent.

It’s the infertility catch-22: The older you are, the more likely you are to need medical interventions, and yet the medical treatments themselves increase the risks to both mother and baby.

That said, one of the best ways to help make sure you have a healthy pregnancy is simply to follow a nutritious diet and get regular exercise. It sounds simple, but it’s so important, even more so if you’re trying to get pregnant.

Bottom line? If you’re trying to get pregnant, you need to be aware of the risks as you get older, but as long as you’re careful, chances are you—and your baby—will be fine.

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