
How to support your child's mental health

  • PublishedSeptember 10, 2019

Mental health has taken center stage in the recent past. If your wish is to raise a mentally health child you should be intentional about incorporating steps to support your child’s mental health. Here is how to:

Listen to your child

Do no just hear your child speaking – listen to what they have and what they want to say. Only then can you know if something is bothering them that needs your intervention.

Help them exercise

It is not just adults who benefit emotionally from a good workout. Encourage your child to play and take part in extra-curricular activities.

Encourage rest

Mental illness can stem from being overwhelmed. That is why it is very important to allow your child enough rest time.

Take pride in your child

Your child might be different from other children, but take pride in all the milestones they achieve. Voice your pride to them and let them know that you recognize their effort. This will increase their self esteem and belief in themselves.

Know the symptoms of mental disorder

You cannot detect what you do not know. Once you know the symptoms of mental illness in children, you can then easily catch them early and act on them. Take note of any behavioral changes that might denote something is amiss.

Seek help

Do not hesitate to seek help from professionals if your child is showing signs of anxiety, depression or any form of mental ill-health.

Take care of yourself

Remember, you can take care of your child better if you are also in a good place. Educate yourself and do research on how to take care of the mental health of both you and your child.

Be patient

Approach things rationally and be patient with your child.


Encourage conversation is yet another way you can support your child’s mental health, it encourages them to come forward with whatever they are going through.

ALSO READ: Spanking your kids could lead to mental health problems

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