
Kenyan Matoke Recipe – Mamake Bobo

  • PublishedDecember 18, 2017


– Green bananas

– Water for boiling

– Oil for deep frying



– Garlic powder

– Paprika powder

– Pinch of black pepper.

– Turmeric powder

– Mix a tablespoon of paprika, 0.5 teaspoon of garlic powder, a teaspoon of salt and a pinch of black pepper(you now have a spice blend)You can add some chilli powder if you like.


– Peel the green bananas but don’t slice them.

– Add water, salt,garlic and turmeric to a sufuria and bring to a boil. Add in the green bananas and boil them for about 7 minutes or until a fork/toothpick goes through easily.

– Take them out(drain the water)

– sprinkle the spice blend then deep fry in hot oil for about two minutes . Take out then serve.

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