
Want some advice on detox? Don’t do it!

Want some advice on detox? Don’t do it!
  • PublishedJanuary 10, 2022

The year 2022 is just ten days old and most of us are still jotting down our resolutions before dumping them on a shelf somewhere where they will gather dust until January 2023.

One of the most common resolutions that people have is to lose weight. While some choose the long way of eating right and exercising, others chose the detox way thanks to numerous social media posts of users swearing by the effectiveness of detox diets and regimens. If you are one of the people planning to try a detox diet, I hate to burst your bubble but it’s all a scam.

Still in doubt, here are seven reasons why you should stay away from a detox diet.

There is little research that supports the role of detox on weight loss

Though numerous studies have been conducted to determine the effectiveness of detox diets in weight loss, to date, none of these studies has returned results that confirm the effectiveness of detox. In fact, results almost always show no positive relationship between detox and weight loss

Your body detoxes just fine by itself

You are the proud owner of a set of kidneys and a liver whose main function is to cleanse and rid your body of toxins. These are efficient by themselves and do not need any outside help. If you happen to have problems with any of your kidneys or liver, seek medical attention. At the end of the day, your detox diet will still have to go through your liver and kidneys for detoxing. How about that!

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Some detoxes are harmful

Some people report experiencing diarrhea after being on a detox diet. And while you may think that this is your body eliminating toxins, there is nothing to smile about. Diarrhea from detox can leave you extremely dehydrated which is dangerous.

Some detox diets also lack the necessary nutrients that your body needs for proper functioning.

Detoxing is expensive

Most detox diets and juices are made of ingredients that are not affordable. Though individual items may not be expensive, buying these items for the three days or whatever duration it supposedly takes for the detox to work will be financially draining in the long run.

Too much fluid can be harmful to your body

Taking a lot of juice and water can overwork your kidney and eliminate important electrolytes from your body. In this way, your detox becomes counterproductive.

What now?…

While it is true that our bodies harbour a lot of toxins from the environment and from the food we eat, a detox diet will not offer a quick solution to eliminate these toxins. The best thing to do is incorporote in your diet, foods that support your liver and kidneys in the cleansing process such as fibre and protein.


Written By
Diana Rachel