
Ways to improve male fertility

Ways to improve male fertility
  • PublishedJuly 6, 2022

Infertility is fairly common and affects many men worldwide. Fertility in males is affected by a variety of variables, many of which are beyond your control, such as genetics and medical disorders. Nevertheless, there are certain changes you can make, especially in diet and lifestyle to boost your fertility. Below are some essential nutrients to include in your diet:


Folate aids in red blood cell synthesis and function, particularly during spermatogenesis. Low folate levels can hamper normal sperm production, resulting in low sperm counts.

Sources: Dark green vegetables, fruits, and whole grains as a natural form of vitamin B9.

B12 vitamin

Vitamin B12 promotes blood health and the synthesis of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). This influences sperm development in terms of quantity and motility.

Sources: Low-fat cheese and yoghurt, poultry, and egg yolks which are abundant in vitamin B12.

Omega-3 fatty acid

Omega-3 fatty acid aids in cell development and adds to the general health of organs, blood vessels, and sperm. They also promote healthy sperm cells.

Sources: Seafood, nuts, and plant oils.

D-Aspartic Acid (DAA)

D-Aspartic Acid (D-AA) is an amino acid that is essential for the formation of hormones in the body. This may be determined by the amount of testosterone produced within the testicles. D-AA can be detected in testicles, sperm, and sperm cells.

Sources: D-AA levels may be increased by eating foods like beef, oysters, and nectarines.


B-complex vitamins include thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), pantothenic acid (B5), pyridoxine (B6), biotin (B7), folic acid (B9), and cobalamin (B12) (B12). These all work together to safeguard and promote excellent health, including sperm health.

Sources: Meat, milk, dark green vegetables, eggs


Since zinc is required for defensive function and DNA synthesis, low amounts can impair testosterone and sperm count to the point of infertility.

Sources: Eggs, meat, fish, legumes, and whole grains can aid.


Selenium is an essential mineral for men. It has a role in a variety of areas of male reproductive health, including sperm production and quality.

Sources: Tuna, shrimp, steak, lamb, and Brazil nuts.


Iodine is essential for both men and women who are hoping to conceive. Iodine aids in the prevention of congenital abnormalities of the brain and spine. Sources: Leafy vegetables, beans, nuts, and fortified meals

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that can boost sperm quality. It aids in the protection of sperm DNA from harm.

Sources: Nuts, seeds, and green leafy vegetables

Other ways to boost male fertility

Limit alcohol intake

Heavy alcohol use increases estrogen levels, decreases testosterone levels, and may impair fertility. As a result, keep your alcohol use low to moderate.

Quit smoking

Smoking lowers sperm concentration by around 23% in terms of quantity. It also affects on the morphology (form and structure) of sperm cells, resulting in reduced motility.

Maintain a healthy weight

One approach to boost your fertility is to maintain a healthy weight for your body. According to research, being overweight or underweight might affect the body’s hormonal equilibrium, resulting in reduced sperm counts.

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Manage stress

Unmanaged stress is associated with erectile dysfunction, reduced libido, and low sperm count, all of which can be problematic when planning a family. So, if you and your spouse are having trouble getting pregnant, seek for strategies to reduce your stress. Practice meditation, participate in certain activities, or seek expert assistance.

Keep an eye out for poisons.

Pesticides, lead, and other pollutants can have an impact on sperm quantity and quality. If you must work with poisons, do so in a safe manner. Wear protective clothes, utilize protective equipment such as safety goggles, and prevent skin contact with chemicals, for example.

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Written By
Diana Rachel