
10 biggest myths about relationships

  • PublishedFebruary 20, 2018

Valentine’s Day might be over, but romance and true love last forever. Sadly, like with any subject, there are many myths out there about relationships. Human behaviour expert Dr John Demartini tackles 10 myths about relationships

Myth: A new relationship will make me happy

Regardless of how well a relationship starts, you will eventually experience both sides of the person and probably have moments or periods of relative happiness and sadness.

Myth: When I find my soulmate, I will feel complete

Any illusions you project onto your partner will eventually fall apart.  “Although they will partly contribute to your fulfilment in life, being whole as yourself is wise and more realistic,” says Demartini.

Myth: The right relationship lasts forever

According to Demartini, the idea of “forever” is unrealistic. There is no guarantee in relationships, just probabilities based on how well you communicate what you would love in terms of what they would love. The more value you offer, the more probable their stay.

Myth: Once we get past these rough waters, it will be smooth sailing

Relationships are not static; no one remedy eliminates all your troubles. Moments or periods of order and chaos, support and challenge, peace and war are much more realistic to expect.

Myth: A good relationship requires sacrifice

One-sided sacrificing is less effective than mastering the art of communicating what you would love in terms of what they would love. When one partner sacrifices for the other, they both store their perceptions of the imbalance in a memory until the slate is rebalanced. Equity is what sustains relationships.

Myth: Great sex only happens at the beginning

Intimate lovemaking can continue throughout a relationship that has realistic expectations and has mastered the art of communication and fair exchange. When the highest values are met, intimacy emerges.

Myth: We won’t have to work at a good relationship

A fulfilling relationship will require ongoing reassessment, communication, prioritisation, effort and skill.

Myth: I will be lonely without a relationship

You can sleep next to someone and feel 1 000km away, or be 1 000km away and feel as if they are close. We only feel we miss those traits with which we are infatuated. When we are open-hearted and love someone, they are free to come and go and we still feel their presence regardless of space or time.

Myth: Children complete a marriage

This is as unlikely as assuming that partners complete each other. Children can be both pain and pleasure and frustrating and fulfilling. If you do not have children, others at work or in our family or social life emerge to become our surrogate children.

Myth: Opposites attract

What you see in your partner is also present in you. It’s just expressed differently according to their hierarchy of values. Although you will seek that which supports your highest values, you simultaneously attract that which challenges your highest values. Maximum growth and development occur at the border of support and challenge.

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