
10 ways to ease your baby’s vaccination pain.

  • PublishedJanuary 24, 2020

Vaccination is an important step in protecting infants against preventable diseases. As expected, there will be some injections involved and babies are sensitive to pain. As a parent, there are some things you can do to ease your baby’s pain after such injections.



Breastfeed your baby

According to studies conducted by experts, breastfeeding a baby will help in easing the pain. It will also distract them from thinking about what just happened. You can breastfeed the baby as the doctor is administering the injection or immediately after. Alternatively, you can allow the baby to suck on a pacifier that has been immersed in a sugar solution.

READ ALSO: Benefits of Breastfeeding Your Baby


Inquire about skin anesthetic

There are topical creams that can be applied on the skin of infants hours before the injection to reduce the sensitivity in the area. Ask the doctor doing the procedure if they have such creams for infants and if they would advise using it to numb the pain.

Pain medication

Pain medication can be administered to babies after vaccination. However, the medicine should be prescribed by the doctor. Pain medicine used include ibuprofen or acetaminophen like infant Tylenol. Most babies don’t need pain medication. They usually stop crying after a short while. 

Put a wet cloth on the injected area

Placing a cool wet cloth on the injected area helps to reduce swelling and tenderness in the area. The coolness will help to numb the pain a little and soothe the baby.

Distract your infant

Distracting babies during or after injections takes their mind from the pain. Babies have a short attention span and distracting them from what the doctor is doing won’t be too difficult. Bring their favourite toy and keep their attention with it. Moreover, you can sing the baby a song or be playful.

Cuddle your baby

A simple cuddling can be all it takes to stop your baby from crying. The familiar touch he/she is used to will help them feel protected and secure. Alternatively, you can gently swing the baby in your arms or make soft soothing voices to calm them down.



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