
12 Bodies of Babies Hidden in Boxes uncovered in Pumwani Hospital

  • PublishedSeptember 18, 2018

Pumwani Hopsital is on the spot after Nairobi Governor Mike Sonko made an unplanned visit to the hospital only to uncovered 12 bodies of infants hidden in boxes.

The governor live streamed his impromptu visit on Facebook when he made the discovery.

The bodies were wrapped in polythene bags and packed in brown boxes.

Sonko claimed his visit was prompted by a video he received from anonymous sources tipping him off of the state of affairs on how dead infants were being handled at the hospital.

The video was accompanied by a caption accusing the hospital of allegedly shutting down Maternity Wing machines leading to the death of babies.

Sonko questioned the management present why the infants’ bodies were being carried in boxes. Earlier, a staff member had claimed that only one baby that died but further probing by Sonko revealed the rest of the bodies.

The governor has suspended the entire hospital board pending investigations into the matter.

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