
14-year old girl raped and murdered in Kisumu

  • PublishedAugust 28, 2019

A 14-year old girl’s body has been found mutilated and thrown in a ditch in Kisumu from what is alleged to be a rape and murder incident. The body of the student from Dago Kokore Secondary School was discovered near Kiboswa along the Kisumu-Kakamega road by a boda boda rider who had stopped to repair a puncture on his motor bike.

“Blood was oozing from the girl’s mouth and nose. The body had bruises, indicating she might have been strangled,” explained County police commander Benson Maweu while confirming the incident. He also stated that the body might have been dumped there after the incident happened elsewhere.

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Fetching water

At around 3.30 pm, I sent her to go and fetch water. She did two trips and on the third one, she took longer than usual. I thought she had gone to her brother’s house where she normally plays with some girls,” said her mother Evelyne Akelo. She had a difficult time coming into terms of the daughter’s death through rape and murder.

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Condemned killing

Kisumu West MP Olago Aluoch condemned the killing and appealed to police to increase their patrols and make sure that the suspects are brought to book to serve as an example to avoid such incidents happening again.

“We want to see those responsible for such savage face the full force of the law,” Olago said.

Haki Africa programme associate Mathias Shipeta also visited the scene and condemned the killing calling for the police officers to be vigilant.

The girl’s body has been moved to the Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Referral Hospital awaiting post mortem as investigations on the murder begin.

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