
5 must-read tips to make single parenting easier

5 must-read tips to make single parenting easier
  • PublishedApril 20, 2022

Providing stability when you’re a single parent can be an uphill task. Doing some things as the only adult could become more challenging compared to the previous arrangement.

Read on for 5 practical tips that will help make your single parenting journey easier for you.

Create routines and new family traditions

Creating routines makes it easier for the kids to settle into their new family situation. Routines, in turn,  give the children some semblance of direction, control and security.

Family traditions don’t have to be complicated. It could be watching a TV show or sports every week or doing something special during holidays like Christmas, birthdays, etc. This gives you and your children an opportunity to bond.

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Accept help from others

As much as you think you can do it all alone, you can always ask for help or accept it when someone offers. Asking for help taking care of your kids will prevent you from being overwhelmed.

Whether it is helping with rides to school or getting them off your hands for a few hours so that you can rest, there is no shame in asking for help.

Seek therapy for both you and your kids

After a divorce or even the death of a partner, getting counselling for you and your kids will help them process the emotions that they feel. Counselling could assist both of you to overcome the situation you are in and improve the quality of your life and that of your kids’.

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Find a community for you and your children

Being a single parent can get lonely and one of the best ways to combat that is by finding or creating a group for single parents. These groups can be found at your kids’ school, daycare or even church.

You can also find a group that isn’t strictly for single parents as it will bring diversity. The community should be where you and your children feel a sense of belonging that is free from judgement and humiliation.

Single parenting is not just about the money
Society may not shun the single mother today as much as they did in the past, but the effects of an absent parent remain true to psychological and spiritual truths.

Plan for emergencies

A backup plan during emergencies will come in handy. Having a list of people you can call to step in at such times is important as you get to know ahead of time who you can depend on.

You can also have alternative ways of having your child catered to when you’re away like having a live-in college student in exchange for childcare.

In conclusion…

You could use the above tips to come up with guidelines that will help you and your kids live harmoniously. As much as it may be rough in the beginning, take comfort in the fact that things will always get better.

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