
5 Tips for managing your domestic help

5 Tips for managing your domestic help
  • PublishedJanuary 20, 2021

It is safe to say that most homes have lost count of the number of domestic help that come and go. Some have even become professional hire and fire.

Granted, there are several factors out of your control that could cause this, but most times, it boils down to how you interact with them.

How you treat your house help determines the quality of services they provide in your house. Therefore, it’s important to treat them with respect and dignity and as part of your family.

Unfortunately, some house holds don’t allow them to sit at the dinning table with the rest of the family but to eat in the kitchen. Some of the help even sleep and spend most of their time in the kitchen because they don’t feel welcome. As a result, they begin to live in fear and begin to walk on egg shells around you. Sometimes they can take it out on the children.

( Source, https://www.nairobinanny.com)

Considering your children need a stable caregiver, how can you ensure your home runs smoothly even without your presence? Here are five tips to turn the tide:

1.Have them sign a contract- When you settle on hiring them, it’s important to agree on the terms for working there, your expectations as an employer and your boundaries. This helps to avoid unnecessary disagreements. Treating your help like any other profession can prove to be very effective.

2. Pay them well- We all know no job is worthwhile than that which pays well. The same case applies to your house help since its just like any other profession. Paying them well not only motivates them but will allow them to save since most of them have families at home who depend on them.

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3. Offer job training at home- When they first arrive, take them around and give them special instructions on how you like things to get done for instance, how you like your food to be made. Make your you also spend some time together with them to that they could learn your routine and preferences. This is also the perfect time to set your boundaries.

4. Build good communication- Good and meaningful communication is a vital need in all areas of life. As an employer its important to establish this in your home. Admit and say sorry when you are wrong and be courteous and say thank you. Also encourage your helper to speak up when they have an issue. This builds a good foundation and relationship in the future.

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5. Give them a day off- After spending the whole week attending to the house needs its important to give them a time out once a week to do the things they want. This includes visiting their families, going to church or just having a resting day.

Feature image: House help ironing clothes. (Source, seattleglobalist.com)

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