
6 Online Business Ideas for University Students

  • PublishedFebruary 1, 2018

Most university students depend on their parents for monetary support, due to the fact that they do not have a source of income. It is quite possible to find employment as a student, unfortunately, the chances of this are minimal. Therefore, starting a small business of your own is a very good idea, but you are then met with the problem of lacking capital and you are back to square one.

The internet is the perfect place for you because there are jobs you can take on with little to no capital. Here are 6 jobs you can do on the internet to earn an income;


There are many websites like Freelancer that provide an avenue to freelance in your chosen field. You can utilize the skills you are learning in school to clients on these websites and they will pay you for your services. You could be a graphics designer or a writer among other things.

 Affiliate Marketing 

You can identify companies that need to market their products on your campus, for example, milk or alcohol. Offer marketing services for a commission. A sure way to make some extra money.

Resume/Cover Letter Writing

Many people need killer resumes written in a professional manner in order to be successful in their interviews. Find out how to write an exceptional resume or cover letter and you will get clients who need your services constantly.

Web Design 

This option is perfect for students conversant with HTML, CSS, and JAVASCRIPT among others. You can find a website where people need freelancers for this service and start bringing in some money.

Online Teaching 

This involves sharing your skills with others on the internet. If you are a very good graphics designer, websites like Skillshare offer a platform where you will be able to teach aspiring designers. These students will pay for your classes.

Social Media Consultant

Social Media has continued to grow and become a crucial and effective tool for marketing. Companies are struggling to set up accounts, grow their following and use the platforms effectively. You can offer consultancy services to these companies or manage their accounts on their behalf. These companies will pay you well for the service.

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