6 things your child's teacher wishes you knew

Teachers want the best for your child and whenever they see something going wrong they never hesitate to inform you. How you perceive advice given by your child’s teacher will play an important role in helping you know your child better and in creating a rapport between you and your child’s teacher.
Here is what teachers want you as parents to know:
Testing is not the end
Education is much more than just sitting for exams and passing. Teachers want you to know that testing is only a way for them to know if your child understood and know where to improve next time. Testing motivates your child and makes learning an enjoyable experience through healthy competition with others.
Image/Nation media
It is okay for your child to fail
If your child fails an exam or test, that does not mark the end. Encourage your children to embrace their failures and learn from them so that they can improve on them and improve on their self esteem. You can support them by encouraging them to ask question when they get stuck.
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Your child could be living a double life
The character your child depicts at home could be very different from the one at school. When your child’s teacher tells you something about your child’s behavior, always listen and talk to your child about the issue raised instead of turning on the teacher.
Image/ parentmap.com
Your child’s homework is not your responsibility
Your responsibility, as a parent, is only to check if it is complete and not to do the homework for your child. You can only help your child by giving guidance on how to do it. Remember, your child does not have to get everything right. It’s okay to fails sometimes.
Avoid negative talk in front of your child
Children follow what you say as the parent and carry the negativity to the school. Teachers can always tell where it came from. As a result, badmouthing your child’s teachers or school when the child is around.
Pay attention to your child
Sometimes, it’s hard for you as a parent to give your child the attention they deserve especially when you have busy work schedules. However, it’s necessary to take time off and listen to your child’s concerns especially those that are related to school and help them where possible.
In a nutshell…
Teachers play an important role in shaping your child’s future. However, this should not be reason for you to abandon your place as a parent in your child’s life. The more involved you are, the easier the teacher’s work becomes.
Featured Image: Jordan Rowland on Unsplash