
Alfred Mutua to create 5 million jobs after becoming president

Alfred Mutua to create 5 million jobs after becoming president
  • PublishedSeptember 7, 2020

Machakos Governor Dr Alfred Mutua on Sunday said that once he becomes president, he will create five million jobs.

Mutua, who was launching his 2022 presidential bid, said that he will create those jobs within the first three years in office.

“As the president of Kenya, I will create five million jobs in the first three years. I know how to,” the Maendeleo Chap Chap Party Leader said in his speech.

Mutua promised to provide quality education which will guarantee the youth jobs after graduation and consequently eliminate poverty. He said Kenyans are tired of the current system and therefore they need change.

“I have agonized about the pain and the political circus going on in our country. I have listened to the voices of Kenyans and prayed for a way to bring back hope,” Mutua said.

Machakos Governor Dr Alfred Mutua during the launch of his 2022 presidential bid on Sunday. [Source: Dr Alfred Mutua/Twitter] 

The Machakos governor who is now in his final term has promised to put an end to corruption, bureaucracy, negative ethnicity, social injustice and poverty.
Which he says are the main enemies of progress in Kenya.

“Many good things have occurred in our country and I thank the leaders who have guided us up to where we have reached. However, truth be told, Kenyans are tired of a system that has over the years let them down,” Mutua added.

To change this system, Mutua declared that “in the general election of 2022, I, Alfred Nganga Mutua will vie to be the next president of the Republic of Kenya. To return Kenya to the tracks of where we were meant to be after independence”.

Mutua urged Kenyans to stop voting along ethnic lines and change the culture of recycling political leaders.

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“If we don’t, 50 years from today we will be asking the same questions we are asking while languishing in poverty as the rest of the world progresses,” the former government spokesperson said.

Mutua has promised to provide a favourable environment for doing business.

“I will eliminate bureaucracy, cut wastage and enable our business community to thrive in a predictable environment that rewards success, not corruption. You will require only 14 days to get licenses and approvals to start your business,” the Maendeleo Chap Chap Party Leader said.
Mutua will be going against Wiper Party Leader Kalonzo Musyoka and Makueni Governor Kivutha Kibwana from Ukambani in the 2022 presidential elections.

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