Bite Me! I’m a sweet raspberry
The delicate, sweet, flavourful and delightfully mouth-watering, bright-red raspberry is one of the most common berries grown all over the world. The raspberry is an aggregate fruit, meaning that each berry is in fact a collection of many smaller individual fruits. An individual raspberry weighs three to five grammes and is made up of around 100 drupelets, each of which consists of a juicy pulp and a single central seed. It also has a hollow core once it is removed from its receptacle.
Raspberries are full of health benefits, providing an extensive range of nutrients, vitamins, minerals and other important nutrients in a small package. A single serving of raspberries (30-40 raspberries, depending on size) contains about 1.5 g of protein, 8 g of dietary fibre, and 14.7 g of carbohydrates. Cholesterol-free, low in fat and sodium, and weighing in at only 64 calories per cup, raspberries are a good choice for dieters.
They also offer a generous amount of fibre with one cup, providing one-third of the daily-recommended value for adults and can help speed elimination and possibly promote weight loss. Raspberries’ natural sweetness may also satisfy cravings for less nutritious foods. A single serving also supplies the body with vitamin C and manganese, which are both responsible for several crucial body processes, with vitamin C playing a big role in regulating and promoting healthy immune system function.
Raspberries also contain potassium which is necessary for maintaining healthy blood pressure, and help fight inflammatory conditions such as arthritis and gout, in addition to being high in various antioxidants, which can help fight aging and slow cancer growth by scavenging destructive free radical molecules in the body.
Enjoy a cup of raspberries alone or as a delightful desert mixed with other berries and topped with yoghurt or cream. You can also make a delightful raspberry tart to serve as a snack or desert.
Published on May 2013