
Bite Me! I’m nutritious egg

  • PublishedDecember 17, 2013

Don’t shy away from eggs because of the misconception that they will raise your cholesterol levels. Eggs are packed with vitamins A, D, E, B2, B6, B9, iron, calcium, phosphorous, potassium and choline. In fact, one egg supplies 20 per cent of the daily-recommended intake of choline, an important nutrient that helps in memory function, reduces breast cancer risk, and maintains normal homocysteine levels in the blood.

Elevated homocysteine levels are linked to increased risk of cardiovascular disease. For pregnant women, eggs are essential for proper foetal brain development and decreased neural tube defects, and are a necessary constituent in breast milk.

Eggs are versatile. They are many ways to prepare them: boiled (hard or soft), poached, fried, scrambled or even baked. They can also be used to make an omelette or pancake batter. Eggs can be added to savoury or sweet dishes, used to bind ingredients, coat ingredients, glaze pies or scones, the list is endless.

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