
Businesses you can start with Ksh 3000

  • PublishedJanuary 24, 2020

The most common reason people give for not going into business is lack of capital While it is true some businesses can be so capital-intensive, there are businesses you can start with Ksh 3000. From this you may save up enough to go into the business you originally wanted to start. Also, jobs are scarce, and your best bet is just starting a business to help you meet your daily needs.

A lot of success stories you have to remember are told by people who practically had nothing to start with. Running a successful business takes wit, hard work and determination and lots of positive attitude. Better, because of social media platforms you can easily get your clientele.

Businesses you can start with Ksh 3000

Selling thrifted items

Use the Ksh. 3000 to buy your first bundle of clothes, shoes or what have you from a thrift market. Gikomba is a good place to start. Get up early to get quality goods at fair prices. You will do well to create a network with the traders who bring in the bundles.

Be in touch with fashion trends if dealing with clothes,shoes and bags because unfashionable things will stay gathering dust in storage. Use social media to your advantage by hawking your goods there. Take great photos of your goods in good condition to fetch a handsome price.

Mobile salon

Needless to say hair dressing skills are a must here. You need to be able to plait, blow dry, install hair extensions and any other skills applicable in matters hair. Stay up to date with hair trends and be light handed and fast with client’s hair so they keep coming back. Listen to your customer’s needs and requests to get a great finished product.

Be honest if you don’t know how to do a certain style and learn rather than lie, do a bad job and ruin your reputation. The money should be invested in a blow drier (costs Ksh 1700 on average), combs and basic hair products to get you started. Post the finished hair on Instagram and YouTube because they are more visual-based making sure to get quality shots.

Being a Nail tech

This is very similar to having a mobile salon. You go to your clients to do their nails. You should know how to do this of course and being able to give manicures and pedicures is a plus. Get hold of a nail care kit, a variety of nail polish colours, a basin, towels and products for mani pedis with the start up. Nail trends come up and you should be on top of them because different clients like different things. Proper customer care is a must because you’ll literally be in their faces.

Selling snacks

People always want to snack during different times of the day. To make a great profit from this business your location should be strategic. Outside office and school buildings for one are great for a snack business. Traffic is also another good option if you’re fast. Pick snacks that do not go bad quickly but are popular with people. Setting up a make shift stand would attract fines from the county council but hawking the snacks while on the move is fine. Be aware of unscrupulous people who may want to bully you out of your profits on the street.

RELATED: Prime steps to follow when starting a business.

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