
Doctors give government a 2-week ultimatum for failure to address their grievances

Doctors give government a 2-week ultimatum for failure to address their grievances
  • PublishedSeptember 7, 2020

Kenyan doctors have threatened to go on a nationwide strike if the government fails to address their grievances.

Some of their grievances include the withdrawal of the Covid-19 allowance for all healthcare workers.

According to the Kenya Medical Practitioners, Pharmacists and Dentists Union, over 1,000 healthcare workers have been exposed to Covid-19, with more than 16 succumbing.

KMPDU issues a 7-day strike notice to NMS
The Kenya Medical Practitioners Pharmacists and Dentists Union (KMPDU) has on Friday issued a 7-day strike notice to the Nairobi Metropolitan Services. In their notice, KMPDU has listed five grievances.

“Six months into the pandemic the government is yet to fulfil its pledge on the provision of comprehensive medical insurance and compensation for those who have lost their lives in the line of duty,” the KMPDU Secretary General Chibanzi Mwachonda said on Monday.

“On the contrary, the incentive of an enhanced Covid-19 allowance has been withdrawn with no commitment or indication of its payment despite the increased risk that all healthcare workers continue to face.”

Other grievances that are yet to addressed are delayed salaries and promotions.

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