
EDITOR'S PICK: The Smart Money Woman

  • PublishedDecember 28, 2018

With President Uhuru Kenyatta signing the Finance Bill 2018 into law, there’s little else to do other than coming to terms with the fact that the cost of living is about to hit the roof. Our salaries certainly aren’t going to be increased and we thus have to make do with what we have.

For times such as these, I highly recommend the book The Smart Money Woman; an African girl’s journey to financial freedom to help us better manage our finances.

Set in Nigeria and written by Arese Ugwu, the book follows the life of Zuri who is depicted as a woman living a fabulous life: drives top-of-the-range vehicle, lives in a gorgeous apartment and has a well-paying job.

Zuri is awoken from her financial reverie when her car breaks down, she runs behind with her apartment’s service charge, her job hangs in the balance and a family emergency springs up.

She thus begins to interrogate her financial standing as well as that of her friends. The book tackles debt, spending, the consumerist culture and the fear and myths that surround finances or the lack of it.

I highly recommend it as it will change how you view and use money. Each chapter has a money lesson to help you make better financial decisions. It’s available in major bookshops and retails at around Ksh2,500.

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