
Gang rape, equipment theft and dog bites – The intrigues of Census 2019

  • PublishedAugust 26, 2019

The Kenya National census kicked of August 24 and it has come with its share of intrigues. In Maseno, Kisumu, a census enumerator was gang-raped by people believed to have been watching her from a nearby thicket.

“The victim was raped after her supervisor dropped her at home after the exercise. The men are believed to have been hiding nearby waiting for her,” said Nyanza Police boss Vincent Makokha.

Her supervisor had earlier declined a police officer’s offer to escort them home.

It was ordered that the supervisor be suspended for negligence till investigations are completed.

The woman was taken to a local hospital and is in stable condition.

ALSO READ: Kenya National Census: Questions you will be asked during the exercise

Bitten by a dog

In yet another incidence, an enumerator was bitten by a dog at 10pm on Saturday in West Kamagak, Rachuonyo, Homabay County as he was going about with his duties.

“The man was bitten by a neighbour’s dog while conducting his duties. He was rushed to Kisii Level 5 Hospital where the anti-rabies vaccines were unavailable. Thus they had to take him to Kisumu for specialized treatment,” said Rachuonyo South sub-county Deputy County Commissioner Mohamud Ibrahim.

He also said that the enumerator is in a stable condition but unable to continue thus had to be replaced by another person.

ALSO READ: Kenyan gets life sentence for raping 74-year-old in Texas, US

Equipment Stolen

The census exercise has been thrown into turmoil in West Pokot after the census equipments were stolen from a workshop.

“A tablet whose serial number is 155354, a USB cable, an adapter, a power bank, an enumerator’s badge and a reflector jacket were on Thursday night stolen from a Siyoi centre workshop,” read a report at the Kapenguria police station from the victim, Adrian Kemei.

He claimed that he had left them in his workshop and on returning he found the shop broken into with no sight of the equipments prompting him to report to the police who have not yet recovered it.

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