
Government yet to give new desks

Government yet to give new desks
  • PublishedOctober 21, 2020

The government has failed on its promise to deliver desks,chairs and lockers to public primary and secondary schools by October 19th.

The government had identified 5,254 secondary and 5,136 primary schools to receive the desks but by Tuesday,no school had received the furniture.Furthermore,some of the carpenters contracted to supply the desks and lockers withdrew due to low prices.

Kenya Secondary Schools Heads Association(KESSHA) chairman Kahi Indimuli,while talking to Daily Nation,said that schools are yet to receive the furniture.

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The Ministry of Interior Principal Secretary Karanja Kibicho, while meeting with county commissioners and directors of education at the Kenyatta International Convention Centre,Nairobi,in September, asked the administrators to ensure that the supply was made before schools reopened.

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Ksh. 1.9 billion was set aside by the government for the supply of furniture to  public primary and secondary schools.

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Feature Photo: Daily Nation

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