Here is how to tell if your baby has digestive problems

Digestive problems can disrupt your baby’s growth. They can also make life uncomfortable for both your baby and you. But, when exactly do you draw the line between a passing tummy and a digestive problem? Here is how to tell if your baby has digestive problems
Gastroesophageal reflux (GER) is the involuntary passage of gastric content into the food pipe. infants are more prone to this but gets better with age. In as much as it is common to babies, do not hesitate to see a doctor in case of the following
Green or reddish color in the vomitRefusing to feedLoss of weight or lack of weight gainChocking spellsBreathing difficulty during feedingRattling sounds in baby’s chest
What you can do
Alternatively, you can try out the following to make the reflux better
Hold the baby upright for 20- 30 minutes after every feed
Burp the baby after every feed
Feed smaller amounts and feed often
Do not tighten your baby’s diapers too much
This is the forceful expulsion of gastric content through the nose or mouth. Rapid feeding, overfeeding and swallowing of air are some of the causes of vomiting. Constant vomiting may be a sign of digestive problems. Be sure to contact your pediatrician if you see the following symptoms
Vomiting bloodVomiting green bileVomiting is followed by inactivityConvulsions before or after vomiting
What you can do
The following will help you manage the vomiting before you get to your doctor
Hold the baby upright after feeding
Prevent dehydration by giving enough milk or formula to the baby
Normally, a baby’s stool is loose and pasty. For newborns, it happens frequently. However, too much of it can deplete essential salts and water content in your baby’s body. Raise an alarm if you see the following
If stool has mucous or bloodstainsIf you see dehydration signs such as: dry mouth and no tears
What you can do
If you are still nursing the baby keep doing breastfeeding
If your baby is already feeding consider easy to go foods like bananas