
Home remedies that promote hair growth

  • PublishedMarch 29, 2017

Due to our hectic lifestyles, we have resorted to instant ways of doing things. When it comes to our hair, the phenomenon persists as we turn to instant chemical remedies for quick results. But did you know that nature offers us some of the best hair solutions with little side effects? Here are budget-friendly home remedies for fuller, longer locks.

You have tried almost all the quick fixes out there to make your hair grow but your efforts seem to be futile as there is little to no change. Before you give up or spend more dimes on your stubborn hair, try these effective home remedies that are cheap and available on your kitchen counter.

1. Effective onion

Onion juice is regarded as one of the most effective and oldest home remedy for hair growth. It’s effectiveness stems from its high sulphur content that is known to enhance collagen production in tissues as well as help in hair re-growth. Simply mash or grate a few pieces of onions to squeeze out the juice. You can also use a juicer. Apply the juice on your scalp for about 10 to 15 minutes. Rinse it off with a mild shampoo. The strong smell will go off after just one rinse. You can substitute onion juice with potato juice.

2. Magical coconut milk

Coconut milk is rich in protein, iron, essential fatty acids and potassium, which help to promote hair growth as well as prevent breakage. Extract coconut milk from a coconut and apply it on your scalp for four to five hours or overnight before rinsing it off. For better results, add half a squeeze of lemon and four drops of essential lavender oil and mix thoroughly.


3. Gentle apple cider vinegar

There are 1001 uses of apple cider vinegar (ACV) and one of them is to accelerate hair growth. Rinse your hair with ACV after every wash for results. Mix 75ml of ACV with one litre of water. Wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo and use the ACV solution as the final rinse. ACV gently cleanses the scalp, maintains the hair’s pH balance, boosts hair growth and makes hair shiny.


4. Colourful henna

Not only does henna add colour to your tresses, but it also acts as a natural conditioner and transforms dull, dry hair
to smooth, shiny hair. Henna promotes hair growth by strengthening the roots of your hair. Mix dry henna powder with half a cup of yoghurt and apply it on your scalp. Ensure that both the roots and tips are well covered. Leave it on until it dries off completely and then rinse off with a mild shampoo. This can be done once a month.

5. Stimulating cayenne pepper

Cayenne pepper is more than a tasty spice for it also stimulates hair growth and prevents its thinning. This is made possible by the presence of capsaicin, the ingredient that makes peppers spicy hot. Mix one teaspoon of pepper powder with two teaspoons of olive oil and leave it on for 10 minutes and then wash off with cold water. The mixture activates the nerves on the scalp leading to increased blood flow and therefore increased absorption of nutrients and better hair growth.

6. Versatile egg mask

Eggs have high protein content, which makes them one of the best ingredients for hair growth. In addition, eggs are rich in sulphur, zinc, iron, selenium, phosphorus and iodine – compounds that play a vital role in hair health. Put the egg white in a bowl and mix it with a teaspoon of honey and olive oil until they form a smooth paste. Apply to your hair and scalp and leave it on for 20 minutes then rinse with cool water and shampoo it off. Regular application leads to long, shiny hair.


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