
How a matatu driver helped a mother deliver after being left helpless

  • PublishedApril 6, 2018

A matatu driver only identified as George has warmed the hearts of many Kenyans after helping a mother deliver her child in a matatu.

He single-handedly managed to cater for the woman even after the conductor and passengers alighted and left her helpless.
According to the driver, he guided the lady in pushing out the baby and instructed her to hold on to the little one.

He later got on to the driver’s seat and quickly drove her to Neema Hospital where she received medical attention. As if not angelic enough, George contacted the mother’s husband who was in Narok and kept checking in to find out if the mother and child were in good health.

“When the head popped , I helped the lady push the baby. I told her to hold the baby, closed the door and rushed her and baby boy to Neema hospital. I also called her husband who was in Narok and later followed up to ensure baby and mum are okay,” he said.

This has come as a shock as people admitted they’re used to matatu crew members being rude and disorderly.

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