
How to apply your makeup hygienically

  • PublishedJanuary 11, 2018

Makeup is fast becoming an indispensable item for many women. However, if not taken care of, makeup can be harmful to your health. It is imperative to practice makeup hygiene so as to keep skin and eye infections at bay. Read on to learn the best practices when it comes to makeup handling and application.

Start with a fresh face. Wash your face before applying any makeup. This prevents dirt or bacteria from being trapped in your pores. Once your face is fresh and clean, you can begin your normal makeup application.
Wash your hands properly. Always wash your hands before and after applying makeup. Have a hand sanitiser on set, as water and soap may not always be readily available when you need them. You risk getting blemishes or pimples when you apply your makeup with unclean hands.

Clean your makeup tools. Ensure you clean your makeup tools, as they can be a breeding ground for bacteria. For your makeup brushes, rub them gently with warm water and a small amount of shampoo. Consider rubbing some vinegar or baby shampoo to disinfect makeup brushes to ensure that they are clean. Don’t forget to clean your makeup bag too: focus on the corners of the bag as germs and bacteria can hide there.

Don’t share your makeup. It may seem harmless to let your friend use your makeup, but this is dangerous. Sharing makeup can mean trading germs because makeup brushes easily carry bacteria from your friend to you, which they may unknowingly possess. It is especially advisable not to share eye and lip products as you risk catching and spreading conjunctivitis, skin infections and diseases. Also, when buying cosmetics, never use cosmetic testers on your eyes or lips as they are usually ridden with disease-causing bacteria. If you must, do it in a reputable cosmetic shop and try it on the back of your hand then wash or sanitise your hands as soon as you are done.

Don’t hold onto old makeup. Old cosmetics provide breeding grounds for bacteria and moulds and should be disposed of and replaced as needed. Using expired makeup will irritate and potentially harm you, therefore, pay attention to the date of expiry when buying makeup. If it is not indicated, ensure you replace your makeup every six months, especially liquid makeup as it ages faster than powder makeup. As for powders, eye pencils, lipsticks and lip-gloss, they can last up to two years if stored properly.

Never sleep with makeup on. This can never be overemphasised. Ensure you remove all the makeup from your face before you sleep no matter how tired or sleepy you may be. Sleeping in makeup restricts skin renewal, makes you susceptible to breakouts, skin and eye irritations, and also promotes premature aging.

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