
How to cope with empty nest syndrome

  • PublishedFebruary 17, 2020

Many parents find themselves in an empty nest after the children have grown up and moved out of the house. Life can become lonely because the house that was once filled with noise and chatter of the kids has become very quiet.

For parents in this situation, there are some things you can do to reduce the loneliness and get your life back on track. An empty nest means that is another new level of life that needs to be enjoyed for it has its benefits too.

Join groups

Find interesting groups that intrigue you and join them. You have a lot of free time and can do the things you wanted to do earlier but didn’t have the chance to.

If you’re religious, join church groups that are in line with your beliefs. If you still want to engage in sporty activities, you can join golf clubs, go to the gym or just partake in fundraising marathons.

Visit grandchildren and allow them to sleep over

If you have an empty nest, chances are some of your kids have already started having their own kids. Try to visit your grandchildren from time to time. Allow them to visit too during holidays and weekends. This time will not only allow you to bond with the precious ones but also reduce the boredom and loneliness.

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Hang out with friends

As one gets older, sometimes the number of friends dwindle. Make use of the friends you have. Plan get-togethers and trips where you can just enjoy each other’s’ company. Call a few friends and have drinks, engage in certain games such as chess or just watch matches together.


This is the best time to jet across the country or world to a dream destination that was on your bucket list. Do the things you’ve always wanted to do now that you have all the time in the world. If you don’t like the idea of solo travelling, you can invite some friends or grandchildren along so they can experience the magical wonderlands with you.

Join a cause/charity group

What better way to spend your newfound freedom than helping the needy? Join groups that visit children homes, prisons and hospitals to help people and spread positivity.

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