How to make your child's school break memorable

The Covid-19 pandemic disrupted the school calendar as we knew it. Even as the government found ways to facilitate a safe return to physical schooling, some parents opted to change into homeschooling. Whichever the case, children get breaks once in a while. When children have some free time on their hands, they like to explore and some of them end up becoming mischievous.
As a parent, you can help your child stay away from mischief and still enjoy their break.
The following are ways in which to put a child’s free time to good use:
Let them sleep in
School schedules nowadays demand that children wake up as early as 4 AM . Exhaustion is expected by the time the weekend comes. Allow them to compensate for sleep-deprived them during the week. This is a good way for them to reenergize for the day ahead.
Plan for play dates
School breaks are a good time for the child to be social in a different environment other than the strict one provided by schools. Playdates allow the child to interact with his/her peers. As a result, they can build relationships that his/her can rely on in future. The child will also appreciate the lesson that relationships are important.
Organise an outing
School breaks are ideal for exploration. It is a good time for children to learn more than what they are taught in school. For instance, the outings could target a geographical location they just learned about. The outing can also be part of a play date, where children can engage in energy-intensive activities that trigger the production of feel-good hormones. According to experts, these hormones are good for fighting depression in kids.
Photo by Rene Bernal / Unsplash
Set time aside for school projects
It is very likely for a child to get lost in all the good times you are providing and forget their homework. Set some time with few distractions during which all your children can do their homework. Ensuring that your kids do homework at the same time ensures that none feels like the other is being favoured.
Allocate simple chores
Learning is not restricted to schools only. Children should also learn house chores every chance they get. Make a point of teaching your child something new about the daily life routine. This teaches them self sufficiency, which is an important life skill. Challenge them to complete a task well in exchange for a reward.
Take part in their hobbies
Learn your child’s interests and take part in them with them. For instance, if it painting, let your child teach you a few things concerning the craft as they hone their skill. This shows your child that their hobbies matter to you.
ALSO READ: Nurturing your child’s curiosity
Read with them
Inculcating a reading culture in your child is important. It starts with reading together so they get the help they need with difficult words. Children gravitate towards things that parents support. Therefore, walk with them as they develop a reading culture. This makes all the difference if your goal is to raise a child that loves books.
Allow them some screen time
There is a lot of content that is beneficial to a child’s development that can be accessed online. Letting your child explore these useful sites is important as it also inculcates useful skills like problem-solving. Screen time can come as a reward for completing an important task.
Visit a relative together
Teaching a child the importance of family is critical in their development. It is essential to make sure a child knows their family make-up. There have been cases of cousins or even distant siblings marrying each other, this is something that could be avoided easily by keeping relatives in close contact.