
How to perform CPR on an infant

  • PublishedMarch 9, 2020

It is essential to know  how to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) on an infant, you just never know when the need for it will arise. CPR is a backup process that associates chest compressions mostly with synthetic aeration to physically preserve complete brain function until advance measures are taken to reestablish impulsive blood flow and breathing in an individual who has respiratory distress.

But before performing the CPR, you should have an idea of what the cause of the respiratory problem is. You ought to the baby to see if there is any obstruction, airway blockage, breathing difficulty and poor circulation of blood.  It is very vital to know the steps so that you can help in the event of a cardiac or breathing emergency. However, here are steps;

Flick the bottom of the infant’s foot to bring about a reaction. They are too young to respond when you ask them if they are okay or not, unlike those that can talk.
Open up the airway by making the infant lying on his or her back, incline the head back considerably and lift the chin.
Use two fingers to carry out 30 swift compressions that are respectively about 1.5 inches deep when you have knelt beside the infant.
Do not stop. Carry on with the CPR procedure until you see observable signs of child faring on well, like breathing, until further measures are taken.
Once the infant starts breathing, put them in the recovery position. This will keep their airway open.

Recovery position Courtesy of St John Ambulance

    Seek medical attention as soon as possible to rule out the occurrence of further complications

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