
Husband chops off wife's hands for delaying at a funeral

  • PublishedJanuary 22, 2018

A 50-year-old mother of 9 is admitted in Migori nursing significant injuries after her husband allegedly attacked her with a machete; chopping off her hands on Thursday night because she overstayed at a funeral.

She thought the funeral would take place on Monday, but it took place on Wednesday. On returning home on Thursday, her husband beat her and cut her, threatening to kill her. She claims he cut her face and tried to spear her when she tried to run.

She claimed that her husband and other family members did not report the matter and her distant relatives rushed her to Ombo Hospital in Migori.

“They refused to report the matter to the police. I passed out and gained consciousness at the hospital after my nephew brought me here” She said from her hospital bed.

She demanded that her husband should be held responsible for the heinous act.

According to Migori police commissioner, Joseph Nthenge, the matter has not been reported but he assures the public that justice will prevail.

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