
It is Joy for Dennis Okari

  • PublishedJanuary 28, 2019

NTV’s investigative journalist Denis Okari on Saturday proposed to his girlfriend identified as Naomi Joy at Eka hotel Nairobi.

In an emotional engagement party, Okari  revealed that he had not rehearsed the proposal script and that was he was about to say was coming from his heart. He went ahead to shower Naomi with words of love and promises of his commitment to her.

“I can’t wait to be to do life with you, and I can’t wait to start the journey if only I get the answer that I am expecting. So before all these lovely people, family, friends and our parents here, this ring is a symbol of my commitments to the covenant that we are going to make in one of these fine days. So I want to ask you Naomi Joy, with everything that I have and I everything that I am, will you marry me?” he asked.

A question which received a resounding yes from his girlfriend Ms. Joy.

Denis Okari is famous of covering war torn areas, crimes scene, investigating on deep and sensitive matters and exposing some unethical practices in the society. His personal life has surfaced in the social media platforms despite his efforts to keep it low. He is perhaps one among many media personalities who have national wide cognition due to his work in the Nation Media Group.
Having worked in different platforms under different capacities, he has acquired vast knowledge on almost all departments in a media house. He is flawless in his professional life and eloquent in speech, which is supplemented by his deep authoritative voice and communication acumen.

It is now evident that that Okari has moved on after his first marriage hit rock bottom, resulting to a divorce with a TV anchor Betty Kyalo.

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