
Kids inherit intelligence from their mothers

  • PublishedSeptember 27, 2018

For along time there has been a huge debate about whether cleverness in children alienates from their fathers or mothers. A study in Glasgow reveals that a mother’s genetics determines how smart her children are.

A category of genes known as “conditioned genes” are thought to work only if the genes come from the mother. Intelligence is believed to be among these genes which in some cases is from the mother and in other cases the father. They have a kind of biochemical tag which allows their origin to be traced and to know whether they are active or not within the descendent cells.

Laboratory studies using genetically modified mice found that those with an extra dose of maternal genes developed bigger heads and brains but had little bodies. Those with an extra dose of paternal genes had small brains and larger bodies.

Researchers identified cells that contained only maternal or paternal genes in six different parts of the mouse brains which controlled different cognitive functions from thinking to remembering.

Cells with paternal genes accumulated parts of the limbic system, which is involved in functions such as sex, food and aggression. But researchers did not find any paternal cells in the cerebral cortex, which is where the most advanced cognitive functions take place such as reasoning, thought language and planning.

They found the theories deduced from mice studies bear out in reality when they interviewed 12,686 young people between the ages of 14 and 22 every year from 1994. The team still found out the best predictor of intelligence was the IQ of the mother.

Men if you want bright kids then consider marrying clever women as your jackpot.

Researchers maintained that genetics are not the only the determinants of intelligence but 40 to 60 percent is estimated to  be hereditary. The rest is acquired from the environment so your child’s surrounding is also something you want to consider if you value their intelligence

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