
Let your baby make a mess. Here's why…

  • PublishedJanuary 9, 2020

Raising tiny humans is a lot of things, but easy is not one of them. One of the hardest parts of having them around is the constant need to clean up after them. What you may not know however is that if you let your baby make a mess and thrive in the mess they made, their brain development is fast-tracked. This is according to neuroscientist Audrey Van Meer who believes early sensory stimulation can aid in the boosting of an infant’s brain growth. On top of brain development there are numerous other benefits. They include;

It helps them learn how to use their senses

Babies learn about different textures through a very specific order of touch. First they use their hands then their mouth. It is thus important to let your baby make a mess by touching, feeling and smelling harmless items such as their food so as to determine whether they are willing to try it with their mouths. Which means this could involve making a mess. However, in the long run it helps them complete more complex learning tasks that support brain development as it they understand their environment better.

They become healthier

When a child gets dirty there is a chance that they will be exposed to viruses and illnesses. It thus makes sense to strive for a sanitary environment. This, if overdone however can stunt the growth of your child’s immunity system. Therefore let your child play, get dirty and messy but to a certain extent. The goal is to strike a balance that prevents your child from getting infections but at the same time exposes them to a healthy amount of microbes.

They develop independence

Let your baby make a mess and explore with your supervision. This is crucial as first, it shows the child that they can have fun on their own and can be self-reliant. This is important because seeking autonomy is a natural part of growing. Something that your baby will seek at some point as they grow. Learning this early teaches them to trust their ideas. It can also help them develop a healthy relationship with food. For example if they are self-feed, they are highly likely to be less picky eaters.

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