Love your ultrasounds (part 2)

Ultrasound scans may be used to:
Confirm your due date, by measuring the size of your foetus
Confirm if you might be carrying more than one baby
Check for any intrauterine device that may have been placed as a birth control method
Monitor the growth of your baby
Detect any abnormalities of the foetus
Offer a window to the womb during an amniocentesis or chronic villus sampling
Measure the amount of amniotic fluid in the womb
May detect the source of any abnormal uterine blood loss
Check for a molar or ectopic pregnancy, or a miscarriage in case there is no movement of the foetus by the 22nd week, or if the movement has stopped.
In some cases, determining the baby’s sex. Although, the accuracy of this highly depends on the position of the baby and the skills of the person conducting the ultrasound
Access the condition of the placenta if the baby is small
Determine the state of the cervix, if by any chance it has started premature dilation