
Make your kids more excited to go to 'shags'

  • PublishedDecember 23, 2019

The holiday season is  probably the only time most people think of going to ‘shags’ or upcountry. The fully-booked buses are proof to that –  all roads lead upcountry. While as parents you may be excited about going home to link up with relatives and parents, most kids flinch at the mention of going upcountry. In fact declaring that everyone will be going upcountry can cause such a battle in the house, that you will dread ever having to travel. So how can you tag these little ones along without turning your house into a battlefield? Here’s how!

Make It a thing

Make going to shags a norm, do not just wait for Christmas time to drag them to shags when they would rather be in the city doing their kiddy things. This way they will get used to it and even grow into it. They will also build a rapport with their relatives upcountry, because one of their biggest concerns is meeting strangers who are supposedly their relatives. You would hate being made to spend time with people you barely know too.Make going upcountry a routine and even though your kids are used to the city life, rural life will became part of them.

Mention that their age mates will be around

Kids love their playtime too much, and if all their friends are in the city and none in shags, they are going to have a problem. Talk to your other relatives to travel upcountry with their kids too, so the kids have someone to play with. Mention that their favorite cousins will be around and they can have a good time together.

Don’t make it a punishment

Once you make shags seem like a punishment your kids will hate you for that. Try to be considerate in the way you tell your kids they will be going upcountry and don’t take a hard stance. Listen to them as they tell you why they would rather not – because really, what is the point of taking them there if they will find it traumatic. Listen and find a middle ground.

Mention it to them prior

Tell your kids a few weeks earlier that they will be going upcountry. Ambushing them will just make things harder, and ruin their little plans. They will be more emotionally prepared for it this way.























































































































































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