
Miguna barred from boarding flight to Kenya

  • PublishedJanuary 7, 2020

Fiery lawyer Miguna Miguna’s return has yet again hit another snag. This is after he was barred from boarding his flight back to Kenya at the Berlin Airport. The outspoken lawyer claims that there is a red alert issued on him. He believes that this red alert is intended to keep him from travelling to Kenya or any other African country. This comes in the wake of President Uhuru hinting that the government would allow him back into the country.


The self-proclaimed leader of the National Revolution Movement was expected back in the country on Tuesday 9.25 PM. This however would not be as German airline – Lufthansa Air barred him from boarding the flight back to Kenya.

As it stands, the Lufthansa flight manager is believed to have demanded official communication from the Kenyan government before he is allowed to fly. As a result all eyes turn on the government who remain taciturn and are not forthcoming.

Spokesman Cyrus Oguna

Various local outlets have reached out to spokesman Cyrus Oguna for comment. Whilst his statements have thus far been non-committal, he did go on to state that he could neither confirm nor deny that the alert had been sent. He however reiterated that if issued, a red alert is an issue that can be sorted at the Foreign Affairs ministry.

However, he believes the President’s earlier statement should be enough confirmation. He went on to say “The President’s clearance supersedes any other order. Miguna was allowed back in Kenya after a High Court ruling,” he said.

The Justice Weldon Korir ruling demanded the state allow Miguna’s re-entry. This comes after a long standing battle between the two parties.

Whilst proceedings unfold and foul play clearly not ruled out, Kenyans are keenly watching what the Head of State does. This is because the executive has not shied away from disobeying court orders numerously before.

Also Read; Fly 540 cancels Lamu flights after Al Shabaab attack 

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