
Multimedia University students protest reckless driving, warn rogue matatu operators

  • PublishedSeptember 9, 2019


A barricaded Magadi Road on Monday morning [Photo, Citizen Digital]

Students of the Multimedia University this morning blocked the Magadi Road in protest of a hit-and-run accident involving a student from the institution last week. The first year student was allegedly hit by a matatu from the Ongata Line Sacco and is currently admitted at Kenyatta National Hospital, having sustained serious injuries.

The police not acting fast enough after the accident and the sacco’s matatus crew perpetual harassment of the students are among the many grievances that led the students to take to the streets.

Police officers threw tear-gas canisters to disperse the rioting students. Three students have since been arrested in connection with the protests. Among them is the Chairperson of the Kenya University Student’s Organization, Nimo Sheikh. Two other unidentified student leaders have also been arrested.


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