
MY WEIGHT loss struggle and success

MY WEIGHT loss struggle  and success
  • PublishedMarch 4, 2016

After the birth of her second child, Veronica Mbugua found herself in the same quagmire as many new mothers – accumulated weight.

She weighed 88 kgs, which brought along high blood pressure and other health risk factors. She knew she had to do something and she embarked on jogging for 30 minutes daily. But her weight didn’t budge even after three months of jogging religiously.

“I tried a hand at tummy wrapping for two months but I only lost water weight. It was then that I decided to turn to less conventional methods such as acupuncture – a Chinese method of weight loss through inserting needles into strategic parts of the body and tapping into the body’s many hidden energy meridians.

But even then, there was no change! Desperate, I considered liposuction and only backed off because I was afraid I could lose my life. Nothing seemed to work,” she explains.

A solution at last!

A meet-up with a friend whom she had not seen in a long time was an eye-opener for Veronica.

“She had lost weight and looked really good. When I inquired how she had managed to do it, my friend explained she had been working out using the power plate machine – a highly effective machine that helps one lose weight while at the same time gaining muscles. So effective is the machine that a 30-minute workout on it is equivalent to 90 minutes in a normal gym. I decided to import the machines despite their high cost and start a gym called Workout Express Limited,” she says.

After exercising for six months on the power plate machine, Veronica lost 6 kgs. She later on discovered a medical diet program – , which entails first taking a blood test, and based on the blood test results, one gets a custom-made meal plan that helps to balance one’s weight-related hormones.

A month into the diet, she had lost a whopping 8 kgs! Within six weeks of combining the diet program and exercising on the power plate machines, Veronica had lost 12 kgs, surpassing her target weight of 70 kgs.

Today, through embracing the diet and power plate workout, she is on a journey to a new target of 60 kgs. Because of the benefits accrued from the diet program, she has now become one of the program’s agents.

Having experienced the struggles of weight first hand,  She now offers both the diet program and gym services. She also goes to Mombasa every once a month to do free consultations for the diet program.

“I have learnt that weight loss is 70 per cent diet and 30 per cent exercise. To maintain a healthy weight, one needs to not only eat in a healthy manner but also grow muscles. The power plate machine is most effective when it comes to this and less time consuming. Obesity is not just as a result of bad eating habits, but also due to low muscle mass, which ought to act as ones vacuum cleaner for any accumulated body fat on resting basis” Veronica says enthusiastically.

According to Veronica, adhering strictly to the diet program guarantees one a minimum weight loss of 7kg the first one month and 17 kgs in three months’ time. She has seen many people go through the program and get off cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes medications.

One of the hormones that is balanced is an anti-aging hormone so that once one goes through the diet, they look so much younger than when they first began.

“If exercising on the power plate and the diet worked for me, it can work for anyone with weight problems!” she concludes.

For free consultation , contact Veronica on: 

Tel: 0733-444-446
Facebook: workoutexpress
Email: info@workoutexpress.co.ke

Published March 2016

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