
Overcome procrastination with these 7 easy tips

Overcome procrastination with these 7 easy tips
  • PublishedNovember 12, 2021

Procrastination is a trap that many of us have fallen into or are currently trying to overcome.

Procrastination is the act of delaying or postponing a task or project given and choosing less meaningful tasks instead.

When you procrastinate, you tend to focus on trivial activities like surfing the internet or watching the latest television series. Unfortunately, work tends to pile up and you are more likely to work.

As a result, you’ll find yourself working under intense pressure during the last minute to meet the specified deadlines. This leads to waste of time, missing deadlines or even end up tarnishing your reputation at the workplace.

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Luckily, you can easily overcome procrastination using the following seven tips.

Identify the cause

If you want to successfully solve the problem, you must first understand the reason why you are procrastinating, when and how it happens. Once you’ve identified the root cause, come up with a plan to deal with it and implement it.

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Create a to-do list

You are more likely to procrastinate if you do not have a well thought out plan to handle your tasks. Arrange your work in order of preference by the due dates. This helps you to keep track of your assignments before they are due for submission.

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Get rid of distractions

Limit the number of distractions around you before you start working. If your phone is one of the distractors, you can power it off or retreat to a quiet place where you can handle your tasks effectively.

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Reward yourself

After completing an assignment, consider rewarding yourself; it can be as simple as spending some time listening to music or an evening watching a movie before you embark on other tasks on your schedule. Spend some time doing something that you enjoy.

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Set deadlines

Another tip is to set deadlines to avoid getting stuck in the middle of the assignment. Avoid the  “I’ll do it tomorrow mentality” because, unfortunately, that day never comes.

Aim at completing the work two or three days before the due date so that in case of any eventualities you will still have time to complete them before time. Additionally, restrain from the common myth “I work well under pressure” to justify your actions of being productive while under pressure. This creates room for stress and ineffectiveness which may not end well for you at the workplace.

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Visualise and focus on your end goal

Set modest goals that you can achieve. You are more likely to procrastinate when the task ahead seems overwhelming and bulky. Break down tasks into simpler and attainable goals to make the tasks less intimidating and hence easier to tackle.

Photo by : Markus Winkler from pixels

Forgive yourself for past procrastination

You need to forgive yourself for past instances. However, this doesn’t mean that you keep forgiving yourself while still procrastinating.

Procrastination is indeed a tough problem to overcome but with the willingness and determination, and with the help of the tips in this article, you will overcome.

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